
The objective of a tag recommendation system is to propose a set of tags for a resource to ease the tagging process done manually by a user. Tag recommendation is an interesting and well defined research problem. However, while solving it, it is easy to forget about its practical implications. We discuss the practical aspects of tag recommendation and propose a system that successfully addresses the problem of learning in tag recommendation, without sacrificing efficiency. Learning is realized in two aspects: adaptation to newly added posts and parameter tuning. The content of each added post is used to update the resource and user profiles as well as associations between tags. Parameter tuning allows the system to automatically adjust the way tag sources (e.g., content related tags or user profile tags) are combined to match the characteristics of a specific collaborative tagging system. The evaluation on data from three collaborative tagging systems confirmed the importance of both learning methods. Finally, an architecture based on text indexing makes the system efficient enough to serve in real time collaborative tagging systems with number of posts counted in millions, given limited computing resources.

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  • @jaeschke
  • @nosebrain
  • @veronicasu
  • @dblp
@nosebrain- тэги данного пользователя выделены