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%0 Conference Paper
%1 conf/ideal/FerreiraMGCM19
%A Ferreira, Paulo J. S.
%A Magalhães, Ricardo M. C.
%A Garcia, Kemilly Dearo
%A Cardoso, João M. P.
%A Mendes-Moreira, João
%B IDEAL (1)
%D 2019
%E Yin, Hujun
%E Camacho, David
%E Tiño, Peter
%E Tallón-Ballesteros, Antonio J.
%E Menezes, Ronaldo
%E Allmendinger, Richard
%I Springer
%K dblp
%P 486-493
%T An Efficient Scheme for Prototyping kNN in the Context of Real-Time Human Activity Recognition.
%V 11871
%@ 978-3-030-33607-3
added-at = {2023-03-28T00:00:00.000+0200},
author = {Ferreira, Paulo J. S. and Magalhães, Ricardo M. C. and Garcia, Kemilly Dearo and Cardoso, João M. P. and Mendes-Moreira, João},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {IDEAL (1)},
crossref = {conf/ideal/2019-1},
editor = {Yin, Hujun and Camacho, David and Tiño, Peter and Tallón-Ballesteros, Antonio J. and Menezes, Ronaldo and Allmendinger, Richard},
ee = {},
interhash = {f8c3fac11068f9922d1015a18f8fc50f},
intrahash = {c979f162bb7cabd52a013e7ece1a4f80},
isbn = {978-3-030-33607-3},
keywords = {dblp},
pages = {486-493},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
timestamp = {2024-04-10T04:26:26.000+0200},
title = {An Efficient Scheme for Prototyping kNN in the Context of Real-Time Human Activity Recognition.},
url = {},
volume = 11871,
year = 2019