
We show how the theory of relativity disagrees with the isotropy of the expanding universe and with the experimental arguments in favour of the existence of a preferred frame. We postulate a new heuristic principle, the invariance of the radius of the universe, deriving new transformation equations. Then we develop the geometric scenario and we prove how the universe equals an anisotropic inhomogeneous hyperboloid in four-space. The new model quite naturally incorporates the expanding universe, solves the cosmological horizon problem, explains the asymmetrical time dilation effect (for example, in the twin paradox) and describes the Big Bang in an original way by reducing the radius of the hypersphere to zero. The speed of light acquires a new geometrical meaning that justifies a varying speed of light (VSL) theory and clarifies unsolved problems in physics as the Pioneer anomaly, cosmological puzzles, the dark energy and the Loschmidt's paradox.


17 pages

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