
Driven domain wall dynamics on amorphous magnetic films with arrays of asymmetric holes.

, , , , , , , , und . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Modern techniques in nanotechnology provide a very versatile tool to fabricate thin films with a well controlled pinning potential for magnetic domain walls. This system rises basic physical questions which are relevant for technological applications such as the dynamical magnetic response under an applied external field for different pinning geometries. We study both experimentally and theoretically, the magnetic wall dynamics on thin films patterned with an asymmetric array of holes under an external magnetic field applied along the easy direction. First a phenomenological $\phi^4$ model properly adapted to the anisotropy of the system is used to characterize the pinning-induced magnetic properties, such as hysteresis curves and domain structure. A good qualitative agreement with experiments is obtained. Similar results can also be obtained by simply simulating domain walls as elastic interfaces interacting with asymmetric pinning wells. This suggests that the competition between elasticity and pinning is at the root of the observed macroscopic phenomena. Our study could help to engineer a controlled magnetic behavior of the film for practical applications at very short scales or nano-metric dimensions.

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