
The visual world contains more information than can be perceived in a single glance. Consequently, one's perceptual representation of the environment is built up via the integration of information across saccadic eye movements. The properties of transsaccadic integration were investigated in six experiments. Subjects viewed a random-dot pattern in one fixation, then judged whether a second dot pattern viewed in a subsequent fixation was identical to or different from the first. Interpattern interval, pattern complexity, and pattern displacement were varied in order to determined the duration, capacity, and representational format of transsaccadic memory. The experimental results indicated that transsaccadic memory is an undetailed, limited-capacity, long-lasting memory that is not strictly tied to absolute spatial position. In all these respects it is similar to, and perhaps identical with, visual short-term memory. The implication of these results for theories of perceptual stability across saccades are discussed.


Information integration across saccadic eye moveme...[Cogn Psychol. 1991] - PubMed Result

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