
The Hokkaido-Honshu DC transmission line, the first DC transmission line in Japan, has been successfully operated for past 14 years since its operation started in December,1979 with 125kV and its operating voltage was increased to 250kV in June,1980. The overhead transmission line of this DC line, which interconnects the Hokkaido and Mainland of Japan runs in the areas O.Skm to 12km apart from seacoast. Design ESDD values are 0.03~ 0.2Smg/cm'. Periodical inspection of every piece of insulator unit, periodical ESDD measurements, and investigation of insulator hardware corrosion have been conducted. According to the investigation results, the design ESDD values are adequate and zinc sleeve is effective against the electrolytic corrosion of pin. Any faulty insulator units have never been found.

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