
Despite the advancement of XML, the majority of documents on the Web is still marked up with HTML for visual rendering purposes only, thus building a huge amount of "legacy" data. In order to facilitate querying Web based data in a way more efficient and effective than just keyword based retrieval, enriching such Web documents with both structure and semantics is necessary.This paper describes a novel approach to the integration of topic specific HTML documents into a repository of XML documents. In particular, we describe how topic specific HTML documents are transformed into XML documents. The proposed document transformation and semantic element tagging process utilizes document restructuring rules and minimum information about the topic in form of concepts. For the resulting XML documents, a majority schema is derived that describes common structures among the documents in the form of a DTD.We explore and discuss different techniques and rules for document conversion and majority schema discovery. We finally demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach by applying it to a set of resume HTML documents gathered by a Web crawler.

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  • @jullybobble
  • @lillejul
@jullybobbles Tags hervorgehoben