
Data Classification Using Genetic Parallel Programming

, , and . Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2003, volume 2724 of LNCS, page 1918--1919. Chicago, Springer-Verlag, (12-16 July 2003)


A novel Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) paradigm called Genetic Parallel Programming (GPP) has been proposed to evolve parallel programs based on a Multi-ALU Processor. It is found that GPP can evolve parallel programs for Data Classification problems. In this paper, five binary-class UCI Machine Learning Repository databases are used to test the effectiveness of the proposed GPP-classifier. The main advantages of employing GPP for data classification are: 1) speeding up evolutionary process by parallel hardware fitness evaluation; and 2) discovering parallel algorithms automatically. Experimental results show that the GPP-classifier evolves simple classification programs with good generalization performance. The accuracies of these evolved classifiers are comparable to other existing classification algorithms.

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