
Spaces of stresses, projections and parallel drawings for spherical polyhedra.

, and . Beitr. Algebra Geom., 35 (2): 259-281 (1994)


Our first paper Topology Struct. 20, 55-79 (1993; Zbl. 793.52006) analyzed the basic three way connection among static self stresses of plane frameworks, reciprocal diagrams and spatial oriented polyhedra. We extend this pattern to describe new: \par(i) isomorphisms between (a) the affine space of polyhedra with a fixed projection; \par (b) the vector space of self stresses of the framework; and \par (c) the space of reciprocal figures of the framework (with one fixed vertex); (ii) and dually, appropriate maps between (d) the vector space of parallel drawings of spatial polyhedral surfaces, (e) the space of frameworks with a fixed reciprocal, and \par (f) the space of parallel drawings (infinitesimal motions) of the projections.



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