
A Case Study on Successful Ayurvedic Management of Heamorrhagic Ovarian Cyst



Heamorrhagic ovarian cyst HOC is an adnexal mass formed because of occurrence of bleeding into follicular or corpus luteal cyst. Heamorrhagic cysts are commonly seen in clinical practice. Most of them disappear spontaneously with follow up except in minority of cases in which surgical intervention is stated. The granulosa layer of the ovary remains avascular until the time of ovulation. After ovulation occurs, the granulosa layer quickly becomes vascularized by thin walled vessels which rupture easily, giving rise to a hemorrhagic cyst. The disease Granthi cyst , stimulating the description of Cyst the disease arising due to excessive, uncommon or peculiar and improper growth of cells has been mentioned in Ayurveda, but it can be called as Beejakosha Granthi. Charaka has indicated enuecleation of granthi cyst along with its kosha or capsule in the treatment. A 21 year old female married patient with marrital life 2 years visited OPD of RPK Ayurveda HospitaL with chief complaint of pain in lower abdomen for 1 week along with burning micturition on 6 12 2021, she had also brought her sonography report, diagnosed as a Right ovarian heamorrhagic cyst about 5 5 mm and some blood and urine routine reports along with her. Her LMP is 5 12 2021, its 2nd day of menstraual cycle. The patient had gone to some other physician and advised her of laperocopic ovarian cystectomy. But patient denied for surgery and came for second opinion as has not concieved yet. She is of pitta prakruti When USG done on 6 12 2021, Uterus measure 7.4 3 4.2 cm, Right ovarian heamorrhagic cyst measures 2.4 1.4 cm along with irregular multiple septations, Left ovary silent, POD - Clear. She was treated with Ayurvedic medications with Matra basti after treatment with 3 follow ups when she went through sonography which revealed normal, So this is successful case study of right ovarian heamorrhagic cyst treated with Ayurveda. Dr. Akshata M Pujar | Dr. Shobha B Nadagouda | Dr. Laxmi Metri Ä Case Study on Successful Ayurvedic Management of Heamorrhagic Ovarian Cyst" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-3 , April 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49502.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/ayurvedic/49502/a-case-study-on-successful-ayurvedic-management-of-heamorrhagic-ovarian-cyst/dr-akshata-m-pujar

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