
Model Driven Engineering with Ontology Technologies

, , , и . Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Software Engineering, том 6325 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-642-15543-7_3.(2010)


Ontologies constitute formal models of some aspect of the world that may be used for drawing interesting logical conclusions even for large models. Software models capture relevant characteristics of a software artifact to be developed, yet, most often these software models have limited formal semantics, or the underlying (often graphical) software language varies from case to case in a way that makes it hard if not impossible to fix its semantics. In this contribution, we survey the use of ontology technologies for software modeling in order to carry over advantages from ontology technologies to the software modeling domain. It will turn out that ontology-based metamodels constitute a core means for exploiting expressive ontology reasoning in the software modeling domain while remaining flexible enough to accommodate varying needs of software modelers.

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