
Human Effort and Machine Learnability in Computer Aided Translation

, , , , , und . Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), (2014)
DOI: 10.3115/v1/D14-1130


Analyses of computer aided translation typi- cally focus on either frontend interfaces and human effort, or backend translation and machine learnability of corrections. How- ever, this distinction is artificial in prac- tice since the frontend and backend must work in concert. We present the first holis- tic, quantitative evaluation of these issues by contrasting two assistive modes: post- editing and interactive machine translation (MT). We describe a new translator inter- face, extensive modifications to a phrase- based MT system, and a novel objective function for re-tuning to human correc- tions. Evaluation with professional bilin- gual translators shows that post-edit is faster than interactive at the cost of translation quality for French-English and English- German. However, re-tuning the MT sys- tem to interactive output leads to larger, sta- tistically significant reductions in HTER versus re-tuning to post-edit. Analysis shows that tuning directly to HTER results in fine-grained corrections to subsequent machine output.

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