
There is an accepted approach to calculation of the neutrino flavor density-matrix in the halo of a supernova, in which neutrino amplitudes, not cross-sections, need to be followed carefully in the region above the region of frequent scatterings. We apply the same reasoning and techniques to the evolution of neutrino flavors and energy distributions in the early universe in the era of neutrino decoupling. It is likely that the resulting changes to the classic numbers that have been used in cosmology will be significantly greater than the ones that are being found in recent updates of the theory in this region. In the latter the neutrino-neutrino interaction still enters the equations essentially as a cross-section. On a closely related issue we believe that the subject of production of light sterile neutrinos, should they exist, will be turned totally upside down. It is too early to know exactly where it is going, but we have a potent example with production rates orders of magnitude larger than those of a conventional calculation.


Neutrino refractive effects during their decoupling era in the early universe

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