
In this work we focus on situation calculus action theories over generalized databases with equality constraints, here called GFDBs, which are able to finitely represent complete information over a possibly infinite number of objects. We contribute with the following: i) we show that GFDBs characterize the class of definitional KBs and that they are closed under progression; ii) we show that temporal projection queries are decidable for theories with an initial KB expressed as a GFDB, which we call GFDB-BATs; iii) we extend the notion of boundedness to allow for infinite objects in the extensions of fluents and prove that a wide class of generalized projection queries is decidable for GFDB-BAT under a restriction we call C-boundedness; iv) we show that checking whether C-boundedness holds for a given bound is decidable. The proposed action theories are to date the most expressive ones for which there are decidable methods for computing both progression and generalized projection.

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  • @savo.fabio
  • @dblp
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