
Why aren’t there more women scientists? Surely, societal expectations and gendered educational opportunities play a large role in keeping women out of laboratory environments, but sadly an even harsher factor might be keeping them at bay: rampant sexual harassment. New research has uncovered that over two-thirds of women scientists have been sexually harassed while on the job. Researchers from the University of Illinois, Harvard and Skidmore conducted a study of hundreds of scientists across a spectrum of disciplines, with the majority being archaeologists and anthropologists. The results were startling: 71 percent of women scientists reported being sexually harassed by colleagues while at work. It doesn’t stop there, either. While sexual harassment covers things like sexist jokes, sexual advances and objectification, 26 percent of women in science fields have been the victims of even worse: sexual assault. The fact that one in four females have been subject to unwanted physical sexual contact from fellow scientists spells systematic trouble.


Most Female Scientists Are Sexually Harassed on the Job | Care2 Causes

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