
Originating In the USA, separable cable conne<:tors have since spread all over the world. The tr~nd to metal-.mclosed Nltchgear, on the one hand, and' the meanwhile predominating use of slngle-core,plastlclnsulated medlum~voltage cable, on the other, Indicate that the demand for separable cable connectors is likely to Increase. In the Federal Republic of Germany this led to national designs being brought out, partly based on existing versions, partly adopting an approach of their own. The special features, inter alia, are, for exc?tnple. the use of silicone f ber as insulating material, in order to gain imal adaptability to the surface of the cable es on which stripping tools are used, and the use of a metal enclosure. To ensure compatability betw~n separable cable connectors, a German 01mensional standard has been drawn up, 'while a test standard to prove the operational dependability is In preparation. In the course of this process of standardization the ~uestion of protection against contact with live parts will be dealt with. The Ger.nan manufacturers are already offering a choice of different designs for all applications and covering all users's requirements. With separable cable conne<:tors it Is possible to disconnect sections of cable for operational purposes.

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