
Creating Standards and Frameworks for Information Literacy

. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 24 (7): 21-23 (März 2008)M3: Article; Barnett, Cassandra 1 Email Address: cbarneet@fayar.net; Affiliations: 1: Library media specialist, Fayetteville High School with Fayetteville Public Schools, Fayetteville, AR; Source Information: Mar2008, Vol. 24 Issue 7, p21; Subject Term: FIRST person narrative; Subject Term: INFORMATION literacy; Number of Pages: 3p; Document Type: Article.


A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of serving on the committee charged with writing the first ever Arkansas State Frameworks for Information Literacy.; A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of serving on the committee charged with writing the first ever Arkansas State Frameworks for Information Literacy.


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