
Classical and Quasi-Classical Consideration of Charged Particles in Coulomb Field of Bound Charges

, , , and . International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP), 4 (1): 23 (February 2015)
DOI: 10.14810/ijrap.2015.4105


On the basis of the theory of bound charges the calculation of the motion of the charged particle at the Coulomb field formed with the spherical source of bound charges is carried out. Such motion is possible in the Riemanniam space-time. The comparison with the general relativity theory (GRT) and special relativity theory (SRT) results in the Schwarzshil'd field when the particle falls on the Schwarzshil'd and Coulomb centres is carried out. It is shown that the proton and electron can to create a stable connection with the dimensions of the order of the classic electron radius. The perihelion shift of the electron orbit in the proton field is calculated. This shift is five times greater than in SRT and when corrsponding substitution of the constants it is 5/6 from GRT. By means of the quantization of adiabatic invariants in accordance with the method closed to the Bohr and Sommerfeld one without the Dirac equation the addition to the energy for the fine level splitting is obtained. It is shown that the Caplan's stable orbits in the hydrogen atom coincide with the Born orbits

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