
We report on the first ALMA observation of the CO(3$-$2) and rest-frame ~340 GHz continuum emission in PDS 456, which is the most luminous, radio-quiet QSO in the local Universe ($z$~0.18), with a bolometric luminosity $L_\rm Bol\sim10^47$ erg s$^-1$. ALMA angular resolution allowed us to map scales as small as ~700 pc. The molecular gas reservoir, traced by the core of the very bright CO(3$-$2) emission line, is distributed in a compact rotating disk, with size of ~1.3 kpc, seen close to face-on ($i$~25 deg). Fast CO(3$-$2) emission in the velocity range $vın-1000,+500$ km s$^-1$ is also present. Specifically, we detect several blue-shifted clumps out to ~5 kpc from the nucleus, in addition to a compact ($Rłesssim1.2$ kpc), broad emission component. These components reveal a galaxy-wide molecular outflow, with a total mass $M_mol^out\sim2.5\times10^8$ $M_ødot$ and a mass outflow rate $M_mol\sim290$ $M_ødot$ yr$^-1$. The corresponding depletion time is ~8 Myr, shorter than the rate at which the molecular gas is converted into stars, indicating that the detected outflow is potentially able to quench star-formation in the host. The momentum flux of the molecular outflow normalised to the radiative momentum output (i.e. $L_\rm Bol/c$) is $łesssim1$, comparable to that of the X-ray ultra-fast outflow (UFO) detected in PDS 456. This is at odds with the expectations for an energy-conserving expansion suggested for most of the large-scale outflows detected in low-luminosity AGN so far. We suggest three possible scenarios that may explain this observation: (i) in very luminous AGN such as our target the molecular gas phase is tracing only a fraction of the total outflowing mass; (ii) a small coupling between the shocked gas by the UFO and the host-galaxy ISM (iii) AGN radiation pressure may play an important role in driving the outflow.


The gentle monster PDS 456: the kpc scale molecular outflow and its implications for QSO feedback

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