This article focuses on the evaluation of assessment arrangements and the way they affect student learning out of class. It is assumed that assessment has an overwhelming influence on what, how and how much students study. The article proposes a set of ‘conditions under which assessment supports learning’ and justifies these with
reference to theory, empirical evidence and practical experience. These conditions are offered as a framework for teachers to review the effectiveness of their own assessment practice.
%0 Journal Article
%1 assessment
%A C.Simpson, G. Gibbs &
%D 2004
%K assessment learning students
%P 3-31
%T Conditions Under Which Assessment Supports Students' learning
%V 1
added-at = {2008-04-17T12:31:29.000+0200},
author = {C.Simpson, G. Gibbs &},
biburl = {},
description = {This article focuses on the evaluation of assessment arrangements and the way they affect student learning out of class. It is assumed that assessment has an overwhelming influence on what, how and how much students study. The article proposes a set of ‘conditions under which assessment supports learning’ and justifies these with
reference to theory, empirical evidence and practical experience. These conditions are offered as a framework for teachers to review the effectiveness of their own assessment practice.},
interhash = {65d736808e4891add061a5db2c69fd2b},
intrahash = {e142194b63af584f8ec9e3cafcb0f5a2},
keywords = {assessment learning students},
pages = {3-31},
timestamp = {2008-04-17T12:31:29.000+0200},
title = {Conditions Under Which Assessment Supports Students' learning},
volume = 1,
year = 2004