
The material system (Hg,Cd)Te is a prototype system for topological insulators and Dirac semi-metals. Molecular beam epitaxy is the preferred method for the growth of (Hg,Cd)Te epilayer heterostructures and CdTe-HgTe core-shell nanowires. Unfortunately, the high crystalline quality desired for charge transport investigations is only achieved for a very narrow window of the growth temperature. Additionally, the low growth temperature requires a special thermometry. Here, we demonstrate the improvement of the growth of (Hg,Cd)Te epilayer heterostructures and CdTe nanowires by the use of band edge thermometry. We show that even for narrow-gap materials band edge thermometry provides a suitable method to control the temperature directly at the growth front with a high precision and reproducibility, in contrast to a conventionally used thermocouple.

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