Common hamsters Cricetus cricetus (L.)show a highly fragmented distributionpattern
across Europe. Over the last decades,human influence caused significant
populationdeclines in particular at the western rangeboundary. Despite
the initiation of breedingand release programs the genetic structure
anddiversity of European common hamsterpopulations is largely unknown.
In this study,hamsters from ten localities in five Europeancountries
were investigated. Mitochondrialcontrol region was sequenced from
145 animalsrepresenting all sampled populations. 385hamster were
screened for polymorphisms at 11microsatellite loci. Both marker
systemsrevealed extensive genetic differentiationamong European common
hamsters. Westernpopulations displayed very low levels of mtDNAdiversity
(H = 0 0.2, Alsace, Limburg,Flanders, Baden-Wuerttemberg) compared
toeastern populations from Saxony-Anhalt,Thuringia and Southern Moravia
(H = 0.663 0.816). Microsatellite analyses revealed asimilar pattern
with low to moderate diversityvalues in western hamsters (A = 1.636
5.364; H e = 0.111 0.504) and highlevels of polymorphism in eastern
hamsters(A = 8.909 9.818; H e = 0.712 0.786). High microsatellite
based F STmeasures (up to 0.635) suggest a typical islandmodel of
distribution with no current gene flowbetween most areas. Western
hamster populationsexhibit obvious similarities in mitochondrialhaplotype
and microsatellite alleledistributions. Gene trees group westernhamsters
consistently together on the samebranch but bootstrap values never
reachedsignificance. There are strong indications thatlow diversity
in western populations ispartially caused by a joint historic founderevent
and not only by recent population breakdowns. Overlapping mitochondrial
haplotypesprove a close association between westernhamsters and animals
from the east German rangein the recent past which does not support
theexistence of a separate subspecies C. c.canescens in Europe. Hamsters
from southernMoravia emerged as the genetically mostdistinguished
population and could be part of a different genetic lineage in Europe.
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