
Community Informatics: Integrating Action, Research and Learning

, and .
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 31 (6): 6-10 (2005)


This article focuses on the emerging subspecialty of community informatics. Community informatics (CI) is an emerging field of interdisciplinary scholarship and practice devoted to enabling communities with information and communications technologies (ICTs). CI research is conducted internationally in settings that range from inner-city neighborhoods to rural villages, exploring how individuals and institutions such as schools, libraries, grassroots groups and health agencies come together to develop capacity and work on common problems. CI is increasingly calling for research that recognizes the ability of even the most impoverished communities to conduct inquiry and use appropriate ICTs in ways that respect local meanings and goals. University-based research in CI also encompasses collaboration with community organizations and residents. At Michigan and the University of Washington, Joan Durrance and Karen Fisher have mounted a large-scale research initiative devoted to exploring information behavior in everyday contexts.



  • @anneba
  • @critzo

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