
A Mobile Cloud Security on Electronic Healthcare Monitoring System through Virtual Private Network using Blowfish Algorithm

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 3 (6): 73-78 (May 2015)


An Electronic Healthcare Monitoring System (EHMS) provides a mechanism to transfer patient’s healthcare records and images to healthcare professionals in an encrypted format by using blowfish algorithm for securing sensitive and confidential information as it is stored in cloud server through virtual private network (VPN). The mobile cloud server respects the privacy of a patient and keeps it secured by protecting the medical images and healthcare record like Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Personal Health Record (PHR) of the patients. EHMS is conserving the privacy of the healthcare information ensuring that this information cannot misuse. The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) medical images are considered with an aim to secure them during its storage and transmission. This is achieved using Blowfish Algorithm, a type of symmetric key cryptography. The two processes, encryption and decryption together form the cryptographic process. For ensuring security, the patients’ healthcare record and images are encrypted by the patient before transmitting them and are decrypted by the doctors’ after receiving them so that only the sender and the intended person can see the content in the healthcare record as well as images. Blowfish algorithm which uses a key of variable size up to 448 bits simply iterates the function 16 times (Feistel network). In this system DICOM image processing is done using MATLAB and the Blowfish encryption-decryption is performed using the VHSIC HDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) platform. All the encrypted images and healthcare records will be stored it in a cloud server through virtual private network in a secured manner.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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