
Die Negativitat: Heidegger e il confronto con Hegel.

Giornale di Metafisica, 30 (1): 119--141 (2008)


The comparison with Hegel's thought can be considered a need for Heidegger's philosophy, with a particular regard to the negativity issue -- that involves all the Heidegger's \textlessEM\textgreaterSeinsfrage\textless/EM\textgreater. By delineating the comparison between the Heideggerian interpretation of Hegel's negativity and the original sense of the negativity in Hegel's thought, the paper highlights how the Heidegger's identification of the Hegel's negativity as "conscience's difference" is conditioned not only by the oblivion of the Being's sense but also by the Hegel's Being doctrine. Actually, Heidegger does not move into the essence's doctrine and this is the most important reason why his interpretation brings back Hegel's negativity to determinate negation, as negation of something, as \textlessEM\textgreatersimplex negatio\textless/EM\textgreater; but, this is not what Hegel means when he considers the negativity as "negativity that denies only its negative". The paper aims at underlining that Heidegger remains to a first level of interpretation without going in depth the sense of Hegel's account on negativity.



  • @sbbdbs

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