
Three Generations of Automatically Designed Robots

, , , и .
Artificial Life, 7 (3): 215--223 (Summer 2001)
DOI: doi:10.1162/106454601753238627


The difficulties associated with designing, building and controlling robots have led their development to a stasis: applications are limited mostly to repetitive tasks with predefined moves. Over the last few years we have been trying to address this challenge through an alternative approach: Rather than trying to control an existing machine, or create a general-purpose robot, we propose that both the morphology and the controller should evolve at the same time. This process can lead to the automatic design and fabrication of special purpose mechanisms and controllers that achieve specific short-term objectives. Here we provide a brief review of three generations of our recent research, underlying the robots shown on the cover of this issue: Automatically designed static structures, automatically designed and manufactured dynamic electromechanical systems, and modular robots automatically designed through a generative DNA-like encoding.


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