
Calculation of the glueball mass spectrum of<i>SU</i> (2) and<i>SU</i> (3) non-abelian lattice gauge theories I: Introduction and<i>SU</i> (2)

, , и .
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 19 (4): 327-352 (1983)
DOI: 10.1007/BF01577189


We describe a direct method for calculating the glueball mass spectrum in QCD and apply it to the SU (2) non-abelian gauge theory. The method involves the applicatio of Monte Carlo methods to the lattice regulated theory. We calculate the masses of states of various spins and parity. We check for the absence of finite size effects, for the desired renormalization group dependence and that our higher mass states do not merely reflect a continuum cut. Finally we repeat the calculation in the “Hamiltonian” limit and in the high temperature deconfining phase of QCD.


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  • @gber

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