
Critical behaviour and scaling of the SK-model in the low T limit: numerical analysis and analytic modeling of frustrated order

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Solutions up to very high orders of replica symmetry breaking of a selfconsistent T=0 scheme are used to identify critical behaviour and scaling in the low T limit of the SK-model 1,2. Results on a lattice of 100 'sites' of different RSB-orders, as obtained by means of a new numerico-analytical technique3, suffice to control 'length'-scaling towards the RSB-continuum limit. The new technique also produces results for finite temperatures, incl. the complete low T crossover (and finite fields too). A scaling theory based on the precise data is proposed. Analytic modeling of the T=0 order function q(a) is given by a confluent hypergeometric function (without break point at T=0), which unfolds the nontrivial q-distribution of the Parisi function q(x,T=0) at x=0 1,2. The new variable a=x/T is interpreted as an inverse pseudo-time. Two critical points arise at a=0 and at $a=ınfty$. Introduction of a new order function leads to a pseudo-time relaxational (Langevin-type) differential equation, which is supposed to serve as a step towards a new effective field theory of spin glasses 1. The existence of discrete spectra of Parisi block size ratios are resolved with high accuracy in the short- and long-pseudotime limits 1 of the continuum RSB limit at T=0 and H=0. Various observations such as mysterious Coulomb-analogies, a kink-like shape of the order function on logarithmic scale, and symmetries of data and their analytical (approximate) representation are presented. A variety of field theoretical models will be discussed, which can be linked or reduced to the SK-model. In particular Halperin-Hohenberg type models and their renormalization are considered. 1 R. Oppermann, M.J. Schmidt, D. Sherrington, Phys.Rev.Lett.98,127201(2007) 2 R. Oppermann, D. Sherrington, Phys.Rev.Lett. 95, 197203 (2005) 3 M.J. Schmidt, R. Oppermann, W$u$rzburg-preprint (2007)


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