:C\:\\Dokumente und Einstellungen\\Rexlala\\Desktop\\Diversity\Łiteratur\\All\\Brodbeck_Greitemeyer_2000_A_dynamic_model_of_group_performance_Considering_the_group_members_capacity_to_learn.pdf:PDF
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%0 Journal Article
%1 brodbeck2000
%A Brodbeck, Felix
%A Greitemeyer, Tobias
%D 2000
%J Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
%K group performance
%N 2
%P 159-182
%T A dynamic model of group performance: consindering the group members'
capacitiy to learn
%V 3
added-at = {2008-07-22T09:47:46.000+0200},
author = {Brodbeck, Felix and Greitemeyer, Tobias},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25d0fcd8f6b1aef16db12f6adde049c7e/group_performance},
description = {Literatur Regula},
file = {:C\:\\Dokumente und Einstellungen\\Rexlala\\Desktop\\Diversity\\Literatur\\All\\Brodbeck_Greitemeyer_2000_A_dynamic_model_of_group_performance_Considering_the_group_members_capacity_to_learn.pdf:PDF},
interhash = {8be82a5de17458cab3cc2283c655fd7e},
intrahash = {5d0fcd8f6b1aef16db12f6adde049c7e},
journal = {Group Processes \& Intergroup Relations},
keywords = {group performance},
language = {english},
number = 2,
owner = {Rexlala},
pages = {159-182},
timestamp = {2008-07-22T09:52:37.000+0200},
title = {A dynamic model of group performance: consindering the group members'
capacitiy to learn},
volume = 3,
year = 2000