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A dynamic model of group performance: consindering the group members' capacitiy to learn

, and . Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 3 (2): 159-182 (2000)

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A dynamic model of group performance: consindering the group members' capacitiy to learn, and . Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 3 (2): 159-182 (2000)Some surprising differences between novice and expert errors in computerized office work, , , and . Behaviour & Information Technology, 11 (6): 319--328 (1992)Das Teamklima-Inventar (TKI) f�r Innovation in Gruppen Psychometrische �berpr�fung an einer deutschen Stichprobe, and . Zeitschrift f�r Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 45 (2): 59--73 (2001)An employee-centered perspective on business processes: measuring "healthy business processes" and their relationships with people and performance outcomes., , , , , , and . Bus. Process. Manag. J., 28 (2): 398-418 (2022)Computer in Büro und Verwaltung, and . (1989)Do They Really Mean It? Assessing Decision Markets Outcomes., , , and . GI-Jahrestagung, volume P-192 of LNI, page 428. GI, (2011)Users' errors and error handling: its relationships with task structure and social support., , , and . ACM SIGCHI Bull., 23 (2): 59-62 (1991)Who Knows What in My Team? - An Interactive Visualization-Based Instrument for Developing Transactive Memory Systems in Teams., , , , and . HCI (26), volume 12206 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 600-614. Springer, (2020)