
A Characterisation Schema for Software Testing Techniques

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Empirical Software Engineering, 10 (4): 437-466 (2005)MR: Versucht die Antwort auf die Frage zu erleichtern: Wie soll indentifiziert werden, welches Testkriteria passen am besten zu meinem Testselektionsproblem? Bei IST-SPL könnte es zur Begründung des eingesetzten Überdeckungskriteriums herangezogen werden..


One of the major problems within the software testing area is how to get a suitable set of cases to test a software system. This set should assure maximum effectiveness with the least possible number of test cases. There are now numerous testing techniques available for generating test cases. However, many are never used, and just a few are used over and over again. Testers have little (if any) information about the available techniques, their usefulness and, generally, how suited they are to the project at hand upon, which to base their decision on which testing techniques to use. This paper presents the results of developing and evaluating an artefact (specifically, a characterisation schema) to assist with testing technique selection. When instantiated for a variety of techniques, the schema provides developers with a catalogue containing enough information for them to select the best suited techniques for a given project. This assures that the decisions they make are based on objective knowledge of the techniques rather than perceptions, suppositions and assumptions.



  • @ist_spl

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