
Design and Development of Anticheating Seatbelt System and Alcohol Detector in Vehicles



Drink and drive has become a main cause of road accidents in the modern world. It has been found that more than 62 of road accidents are caused due to drink and drive. Drunk driving not only puts the person who has drowned at risk but also the person sitting in the same car with him and the people on the road, and also causing many deaths due to avoiding the use of seatbelts. Therefore, this growing threat should be given immediate attention.The aim of our project is to build a system that can take care of this hazard, a system that can sense the alcohol in the drivers breath and ensure proper use of seatbelts and preventive measures shall be taken. As if there are many laws to penalize such drivers but it cannot be implemented on a large scale as the police cannot check drunk drivers on every road. Perhaps this is the main reason for the accidents. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a system that can check drunk drivers and reduce further threats. Deaths due to drunk driving and not wearing seatbelts are increasing day by day which raises a question that who can reduce the increasing number of these cases The system is a best way to find out drunken people and also proper usage of seatbelt. The system will basically comprise of a breath analyzing sensor, MQ 3, which will sense the level of alcohol in drivers breath. In India, the quality legal limit of alcohol in blood is 0.03 that means 30 micro litters of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood and IR Sensor will near seatbelt retractor will ensure proper use of seatbelt, If the alcohol content in drivers breath is above this threshold limit and seatbelt is not used properly then the engine will not start and the person will not be able to drive. Thus, by using such system, we can reduce car accidents and deaths. This project can help prevent life and property loss because of drunk driving and deaths due to avoiding seatbelt. Mr. Prasad S Patil | Mr. Ronak N Solanki | Mr. Abhishek B Kharate | Mr. Prakash V Choudhary | Prof. Sudheer Hirolikar "Design and Development of Anticheating Seatbelt System and Alcohol Detector in Vehicles" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-4 , June 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd50121.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/automotive-engineering/50121/design-and-development-of-anticheating-seatbelt-system-and-alcohol-detector-in-vehicles/mr-prasad-s-patil


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