
Viminol hydroxybenzoate as a non-narcotic analgesic pharmacological choic

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GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 12 (1): 020–025 (июля 2022)
DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.12.1.0138


Acute postoperative pain is a constant challenge for medical professionals, who seek to choose drugs capable of generating a high degree of analgesia, without, however, inducing adverse effects, such as: intense sedation, gastrointestinal effects, addiction and breathing depression, inherent to opioids. It is already well known that narcotic analgesics constitute the pharmacological group most used in the immediate postoperative period. Here we present Viminol Hydroxybenzoate which has peculiar analgesic characteristics, being considered a potent non-narcotic analgesic of central action and equipotent to codeine. The aim of this study was to highlight the prescriptive importance of Viminol Hydroxybenzoate in the context of acute postoperative pain, explore its pharmacological aspects and warn about the prescriptive risk of opioids. Thus, we suggest the use of Viminol Hydroxybenzoate as an interesting therapeutic alternative to replace opioids, especially in conditions of mild to moderate acute postoperative pain, capable of providing a reduction in pain and, consequently, a better quality of life for patients, without the deleterious effects of opioids.


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