Neural networks for image recognition have evolved through extensive manual
design from simple chain-like models to structures with multiple wiring paths.
The success of ResNets and DenseNets is due in large part to their innovative
wiring plans. Now, neural architecture search (NAS) studies are exploring the
joint optimization of wiring and operation types, however, the space of
possible wirings is constrained and still driven by manual design despite being
searched. In this paper, we explore a more diverse set of connectivity patterns
through the lens of randomly wired neural networks. To do this, we first define
the concept of a stochastic network generator that encapsulates the entire
network generation process. Encapsulation provides a unified view of NAS and
randomly wired networks. Then, we use three classical random graph models to
generate randomly wired graphs for networks. The results are surprising:
several variants of these random generators yield network instances that have
competitive accuracy on the ImageNet benchmark. These results suggest that new
efforts focusing on designing better network generators may lead to new
breakthroughs by exploring less constrained search spaces with more room for
novel design.
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