Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

CONTRAST and ESTIMATE Statements Made Easy: The LSMESTIMATE Statement

, , , und .
Seite Paper 351-2011. (2011)Mesures de contrast; SAS.


In many SAS/STAT® modeling procedures, the CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements enable a variety of custom hypothesis tests, but using these statements correctly is often challenging. The new LSMESTIMATE statement, available in ten procedures in SAS/STAT 9.22 software, greatly simplifies the use of these statements. The LSMESTIMATE statement enables you to side-step parameterization issues and to specify custom tests in terms of population quantities of direct interest (the LS-means). The LSMESTIMATE statement also implements a new nonpositional syntax for specifying contrasts. This paper discusses these new features and demonstrates them with examples from actual user questions to the Statistical Procedures group in SAS Technical Support.



  • @jepcastel

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