
Social Software as a Tool for Informal Learning

., (Juli 2009)This article is a translation of the orginal contribution: Kahnwald, Nina (2008): Social Software als Werkzeuge informellen Lernens. In: Hug, Theo (ed.): Media, Knowledge & Education. Exploring new Spaces, Relations and Dynamics in Digital Media Ecologies. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, pp. 282-295..


This paper offers an overview of empirical findings, concepts and definitions of informal learning. Initially, diverse dimensions and contested fields of informal learning will be interrogated. In the second section, the meaning of informal learning in the context of Web 2.0 and social software will be portrayed. Finally, the concept of personal learning environments will be examined in terms of contradictions and inaccuracies in relationship to the afore interrogated basic concepts of informal learning.



  • @francorau
  • @antje

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