
Max Weight Scheduling with Base Station Running and Switching Costs

, und . 31th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 31), Budapest, Hungary, (2019)


We consider a wireless network of $N$ base stations(BSs) serving $M$ users through time-varying channels. The service rate provided by the channel is observed only when the corresponding BS is switched on. In this setup, we consider two types of costs: $(1)$the cost of maintaining BS in on state, $(2)$the cost of switching the state of BS(from on to off or from off to on). In this paper, we propose an algorithm which achieves cost arbitrarily close to the optimum cost under queue stability. Since traditional Drift-plus-Penalty approach does not suffice to achieve this, we propose proof in two steps. In the first step, we show the BS running cost arbitrarily close to the optimum under queue stability. In the second step, we show the mean number of BS switch-overs is of the order $O(1/U)$. We illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms via simulations.

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