Three important contemporary web sites, recreated with technology and spirit of late 1997. Best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.03 and a screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels, running under Windows 95.
Within the TENCompetence project we aim to develop and integrate models and tools into an open source infrastructure for the creation, storage and exchange of learning objects, suitable knowledge resources as well as learning experiences. This paper analyzes the potential of social software tools for providing part of the required functionality using a detailed scenario. It then discusses the challenges involved, focusing on interoperability, identity management and providing the right Web 2.0 tools for the required functionalities. Finally, we sketch a possible infrastructure based on Facebook, providing information propagation along a social network graph.
C. Hayes, P. Avesani, and S. Veeramachaneni. ITC-IRST Technical Report. http://sra. itc. it/people/hayes/pubs/06/hayes-ijcai07-tech-report. pdf, (2006)