Autor: Michael Wesch, Kansas State University. Dauer 4:33. Sehr anschauliches "Werbe"-Video zu wesentlichen Aspekten des Web 2.0. Angeschnitten werden u.a. die Themen Hypertext, RSS, Mashups, Blogs, Feeds, Tagging und Tagging-Communities. Mit dem Slogan "The web is linking people" wird das Web 2.0 als technische Umwelt verstanden, die neue soziale Netzwerke ermöglicht und etabliert.
Highlights from the 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, by Social Media Examiner, which aims to determine how social media marketing is being used to grow and promote businesses.
If you don?t measure what you?re doing in search and social media, how do you know if what you?re doing is working? How do you know if you?re helping or hu
If it's been awhile since you looked at your privacy settings or googled yourself, collects all the most important privacy settings for multiple services so you can opt out from everything you don't want—all from one page.
This case study provides insights from an early adopter who implemented his own microblogging system. The aim is to explain what use cases in professional contexts can look like and, primarily, to suggest a more precise description of what enterprise microblogging is.
Erschienen in Mensch Computer (2009), Oldenbourg, Pages: 293-302
Verein von Online-Vermarktern und –Werbeträgern in Deutschland. Die AGOF erhebt regelmäßig Informationen über das Online-Nutzungsverhalten in Deutschland und veröffentlicht diese in den "internet facts"-Studien.
Aktuelle Daten zur allgemeinen Nutzung von Suchmaschinen, Browsern und Betriebssystemen sowie zu den Verbreitungszahlen der wichtigsten Plug-ins. Historische Entwicklung der Marktanteile.
Aktualisiert am 28. November 2009
Alexa provides information about websites including Top Sites, Internet Traffic Stats and Metrics, Related Links, Online Reviews Contact Information and Search Analytics for SEM and SEO optimization. The Alexa Toolbar is a browser add-on that shows data about sites as you surf the web
App Advisor helps safe-guard your personal data by telling you exactly which apps you should be cautious of, before they become a threat to your privacy.
AQUA - Automatic Quality Assessment and Feedback in eLearning 2.0
The current development of Web 2.0 makes the distinction between author and reader fading away. Users now produce huge amounts of data which sometimes is of questionable quality. This leads to the problem of information overload: how to make the most of this information without overwhelming the users? One key challenge to solve this issue is to assess the quality of the user generated content.
In AQUA, we seek to develop algorithms to assess the quality of content automatically. We focus on two sources for this assessment: (1) user generated content; (2) feedback by users of the content. To do so, we investigate techniques from the fields of natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval, and machine learning.
So, in a nutshell, AQUA will answer the following questions:
What is quality of information? How does it matter in information search?
How to model the quality of user generated content?
How far can you go with automatic methods in assessing quality?
How to give feedback to users regarding quality?
The AQUA project is associated with the project "Mining Lexical-Semantic Knowledge from Dynamic and Linguistic Sources and Integration into Question Answering for Discourse-Based Knowledge Acquisition in e-learning (QA-EL)".
Fallstudie Communardo Software GmbH - Microblogging Projekt(Planung und Realisierung)
Erschienen in Information Wissenschaft und Praxis 60 (4) p. 209-213
Patentdatenbank, Juni 2011
barcode enabled coupon search, retrieval, presentation, and redemption;real-time sharing; data analytics to predict user shopping habits.
The university has changed little since the days of Gutenberg. Students, however, have! The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It is time for the digital revolution to happen on campus!
A. McDonald, and L. Cranor. Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic society, page 63--72. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2010)
J. Huang, and E. Efthimiadis. Proceeding of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, page 77--86. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2009)
Y. Liu, K. Gummadi, B. Krishnamurthy, and A. Mislove. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference, page 61--70. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2011)