This page links to 868 pages around the web with information on Artificial Intelligence. Some of the links will pop up additional information when you move the mouse over them.
Using Trideux factorial correspondence analysis and Calliope co-occurrence of key word analysis, we apply them to the data base of key words characterizing each research article or ongoing research report published by the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology (BSM) from December 1993 to October 2003. We present the results of these analyses, followed by the complete list of tables of contents, the author index and the article-title index for the articles and reports analyzed.
This page provides two large hyperlink graph for public download. The graphs have been extracted from the 2012 and 2014 versions of the Common Crawl web corpera. The 2012 graph covers 3.5 billion web pages and 128 billion hyperlinks between these pages. To the best of our knowledge, the graph is the largest hyperlink graph that is available to the public outside companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. The2014 graph covers 1.7 billion web pages connected by 64 billion hyperlinks. Below we provide instructions on how to download the graphs as well as basic statistics about their topology.
L. Backstrom, and J. Leskovec. Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, page 635--644. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2011)
A. Menon, and C. Elkan. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, volume 6912 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-642-23783-6_28.(2011)