Microsoft Research collaborates with computer scientists at academic and scientific institutions to promote advances in computing technologies and research.
This page provides two large hyperlink graph for public download. The graphs have been extracted from the 2012 and 2014 versions of the Common Crawl web corpera. The 2012 graph covers 3.5 billion web pages and 128 billion hyperlinks between these pages. To the best of our knowledge, the graph is the largest hyperlink graph that is available to the public outside companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. The2014 graph covers 1.7 billion web pages connected by 64 billion hyperlinks. Below we provide instructions on how to download the graphs as well as basic statistics about their topology.
Gephi is an open-source software for visualizing and analyzing large networks graphs. Gephi uses a 3D render engine to display graphs in real-time and speed up the exploration. Use Gephi to explore, analyse, spatialise, filter, cluterize, manipulate and export all types of graphs.
Brad Fitzpatrick recently wrote an elegant and important post about the Social Graph, a term used by Facebook to describe their social network. In his post, Fitzpatrick defines "social graph" as "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related". He went on to outline the problems with it, as well as a broad set of goals going forward. One problem is that currently you need to have different logins for different social networks. Another issue is portability and ownership of an individual's information, explicitly and implicitly revealed while using social networks. As was recently asserted in the Social...
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P. Chapman, G. Stapleton, J. Howse, and I. Oliver. 2011 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), page 87-94. (September 2011)
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C. Xiong, R. Power, and J. Callan. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, page 1271--1279. Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, (2017)