Now there is a Memento plugin for Word 2007. Without ever leaving word, search, view and import articles from Memento website. The plugin will import articles to your word bibliography manager. Using bibliography manager, you can easily cite articles while you write. See below for requirements and instructions for installing and using this plugin.
The bibutils program set interconverts between various bibliography formats using a common MODS-format XML intermediate. For example, one can convert RIS-format files to Bibtex by doing two transformations: RIS->MODS->Bibtex. By using a common intermediate for N formats, only 2N programs are required and not N²-N. These programs operate on the command line and are styled after standard UNIX-like filters.
The biblatex package by Philipp Lehman is likely to become the definitive citation management tool for LaTeX users. Biblatex relies on the venerable BibTeX program only for sorting and generating a very generic bbl file without any formatting instruction. Everything else is taken care of by biblatex, which provides a powerful and flexible macro interface for authors of citation styles.