The new information technology has changed the environment in which companies and consumers co-exist, and the consumers are no longer passive recipients of information and brand value (Christodoulides, 2009; Rowley, 2004). Internet has made the one-to-many communication obsolete and it has been replaced by a many-to-many communication, where the consumers actively engage in conversation with each other and the company (Christodoulides, 2009).
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Specializzata in Digital Direct Marketing, ContactLab offre soluzioni e servizi per gestire e monitorare campagne di marketing digitale, tramite newsletter e altre forme di comunicazione email e web-based.
IRP ( is an initiative formed by people and institutions who work together to connect human rights and the Internet for all.
La Fondazione Think ha reso disponibile il Rapporto dell’ Osservatorio ICT per il non-profit 2012 dal titolo TERZO SETTORE: OLTRE IL DIVARIO DIGITALE. Dal documento emerge con chiarezza che solo un radicale rinnovamento manageriale può portare le realtà del non profit a svilupparsi secondo le logiche della social organization rese necessarie dalla rivoluzione del web 2.0.