SKOS is an area of work developing specifications and standards to support the use of knowledge organisation systems (KOS) such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading systems and taxonomies within the framework of the Semantic Web.
Communities und soziale Netzwerke sind hochdynamische Gebilde die durch vielfältige, agile Beziehungen zwischen den Akteuren sowie deren Verknüpfungen mit verschiedensten Konzepten (z.B. Themen, Aufgaben, etc) gekennzeichnet sind.
Der Betrieb derartiger Wissensnetze (als Zusammenschlüsse von Wissensträgern) stellen die unterschiedlichen Akteure innerhalb der Communities vor nicht unerhebliche Aufgaben – so beispielsweise im Rahmen des aktiven Managements der behandelnden Themenstellungen, des Partnermanagements bzw. der Suche nach Akteuren mit entsprechendem Know-how.
Das Projekt "SemNetMan" (Semantisch basiertes Netzwerkmanagement) führt Methoden der vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft, wie etwa die Social Network Analysis (SNA) und die Techniken des Semantic Web, zusammen und unterstützt das Netzwerkmanagement mit Fokus auf die Teambildung und die Verknüpfung von Themen und Personen.
OntoWiki is a tool providing support for agile, distributed knowledge engineering scenarios.
OntoWiki facilitates the visual presentation of a knowledge base as an information map, with different views on instance data. It enables intuitive authoring of semantic content, with an inline editing mode for editing RDF content, similar to WYSIWIG for text documents.
Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge
NEPOMUK brings together researchers, industrial software developers, and representative industrial users, to develop a comprehensive solution for extending the personal desktop into a collaboration environment which supports both the personal information management and the sharing and exchange across social and organizational relations.
The Haystack Project is investigating approaches designed to let people manage their information in ways that make the most sense to them. By removing arbitrary application-created barriers, which handle only certain information “types” and relationships as defined by the developer, we aim to let users define their most effective arrangements and connections between views of information. Such personalization of information management will dramatically improve everyone’s ability to find what they need when they need it.
The Nepomuk project provides a standardized, conceptual framework for Semantic Desktops.Gnowsis can be used in research projects or by interested individuals to benefit from Semantic Web technologies.
On a modern personal computer there are thousands of documents, emails, photos and music songs stored. Their number increases as we all download new files, send and receive emails, meet people. While we do all this, we use a multitude of different applications for our different goals. This is good, but in the future, it will be better.
Imagine that you can browse your files, friends, and photos like they were in a tiny little World Wide Web, using browsers and search engines. You can bookmark everything, link everything and enjoy surfing your data.
The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project is creating a Web of machine-readable pages describing people, the links between them and the things they create and do.
FOAF is about your place in the Web, and the Web's place in our world. FOAF is a simple technology that makes it easier to share and use information about people and their activities (eg. photos, calendars, weblogs), to transfer information between Web sites, and to automatically extend, merge and re-use it online.