To help scientists decide which one of the many systems to use, we have tested some of the most relevant applications (commercial and non-commercial) as to how well the respective software performs in five different categories. These reflect the most significant abilities and features of reference management software. In the table below, each application is rated in each category with a simple star rating system (1 = poor, 5 = perfect). Clicking on the star ratings opens a detailed comparison table with more information about the test results. The order of the applications in the table reflects the order in which they were added to the comparison.
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R. Jäschke, A. Hotho, C. Schmitz, and G. Stumme. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2007), volume 4604 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, page 283--295. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, (July 2007)
A. Hotho, R. Jäschke, C. Schmitz, and G. Stumme. Informatik 2006 -- Informatik für Menschen. Band 2, volume P-94 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik, (October 2006)Proc. Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies, Informatik 2006.
A. Hotho, R. Jäschke, C. Schmitz, and G. Stumme. Proceedings of the First Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, page 87-102. Aalborg, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, (2006)