Suppose you have a Java Server application, and some of the runtime binaries in that application are external to your application. Generated image files, compiled Silverlight components in your pages, or resource files which are managed by an external team. Much like the jar files used by your application, these external binaries can be seen…
The Animal Sniffer Plugin is used to build signatures of APIs and to check your classes against previously generated signatures. This plugin is called animal sniffer because the principal signatures that are used are those of the Java Runtime, and since Sun traditionally names the different versions of its Java Runtimes after different animals, the plugin that detects what Java Runtime your code requires was called "Animal Sniffer".
This mojo is designed to get a unique build number for each time you build your project. So while your version may remain constant at 1.0-SNAPSHOT for many iterations until release, you will have a build number that can uniquely identify each build during that time. The build number is obtained from scm, and in particular, at this time, from svn. You can then place that build number in metadata, which can be accessed from your app, if desired.
Bei Verwendung von Maven ist die Ziel-Versionsnummer des eigenen Programms in der pom.xml festgelegt. Selbstverständlich kann man auch aus dem Programm heraus mit Java darauf zugreifen, denn Maven erzeugt eine Datei unterhalb von META-INF, in der u.a. die Versionsnummer und der Zeitstempel des Build steht
IOException2 reading fingerprints. Hi- I¹m having a lot of problems with fingerprint files. The errors sometimes cause the build to fail and other times the build succeeds. The errors are all...