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Topic 16: Integrated Problem Solving Environments.

, , , and . Euro-Par, volume 3149 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 962-963. Springer, (2004)

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Geometry based mapping strategies for PDE computations., , and . ICS, page 115-127. ACM, (1991)Immune Inspired Information Filtering in a High Dimensional Space., , , and . ICARIS, volume 6209 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 47-60. Springer, (2010)A knowledge based system for evaluation of option pricing algorithms., , and . CIFEr, page 123-140. IEEE, (1998)Topic 16: Integrated Problem Solving Environments., , , and . Euro-Par, volume 3149 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 962-963. Springer, (2004)Automating the Approximate Record Matching Process, , and . Information Sciences, 126 (1-4): 83-98 (July 2000)Parallel ELLPACK: A Develoment and Problem Solving Environment for High Performance Computing Machines., and . Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving, volume A-2 of IFIP Transactions, page 229-243. North-Holland, (1991)A MultiAgent Environment for MPSE's., , , , and . PPSC, SIAM, (1997)A workload partitioning strategy for PDE computations by a generalized neural network., , and . Neural Parallel & Scientific Comp., (1993)A Schwarz splitting variant of cubic spline collocation methods for elliptic PDEs., , and . C³P, page 1746-1754. ACM, (1988)Neurofuzzy characterization of financial time series in an anticipatory framework., , and . CIFEr, page 50-56. IEEE, (1997)