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An Agent Oriented Schedule Management System - IntelliDiary.. PAAM, page 655-668. Practical Application Company Ltd., (1996)Virtualization Technology for Ubiquitous Databases., , , , and . CISIS, page 555-560. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Collaboration among Agents in Logical Network of Peer-To-Peer Services., , , , , and . SAINT, page 6-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)A Table Driven User-Friendly Interface for Relational Databases., , , and . DASFAA, page 150-156. Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST, P.O. Box 150, ChongRyang, Seoul, 131-650, Korea, (1989)Temporal-specific roles of fractality in EEG signal of Alzheimer's disease., , , , , and . IJCNN, page 4395-4399. IEEE, (2017)Virtual Database Technology for Distributed Database., , , , and . AINA Workshops, page 214-219. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A Framework for the Exchange and Installation of Protocols in a Multi-agent System., , , and . CIA, volume 2182 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 211-222. Springer, (2001)Edge-preserving smoothing by adaptive nonlinear filters based on fuzzy control laws., , and . ICIP (1), page 785-788. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)An edge-preserving fuzzy filter based on differences between pixels., , , and . ISCAS (5), page 363-366. IEEE, (1999)A Framework for the Next Generation of E-Commerce by Peer-to-Peer Contact: Virtual Private Community., , , , , and . WETICE, page 340-341. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)