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Exploiting the Tradeoff Between Precision and Cpu-Time to Speed Up Nearest Neighbor Search., , , и . ISMIR, стр. 230-237. (2005)Analytical Features: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Audio Feature Generation., и . EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music. Process., (2009)Reifying Constraint Satisfaction in Smalltalk, и . Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 10 (4): 43-51, 63 (1997)A Mixed 2D/3D Interface for Music Spatialization., и . Virtual Worlds, том 1434 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 298-307. Springer, (1998)Interacting with a Musical Learning System: The Continuator.. ICMAI, том 2445 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 119-132. Springer, (2002)A Combinatorial Approach to Content-Based Music Selection., , и . ICMCS, Vol. 1, стр. 457-462. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)The comic strip game: observing the impact of implicit feedback in the content creation process., , , и . AInF@IJCAI, том 1407 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 18-26., (2015)Representing Knowledge Used by Jazz Muscians.. ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1991)Tools and Architecture for the Evaluation of Similarity Measures : Case Study of Timbre Similarity., и . ISMIR, (2004)Automatic extraction of music descriptors from acoustic signals., и . ISMIR, (2004)