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A Kernel Running in a DSM - Design Aspects of a Distributed Operating System., , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 478-482. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Fault Tolerance in a DSM Cluster Operating System., , , и . ARCS Workshops, том P-41 из LNI, стр. 44-53. GI, (2004)Compiler Support for Reference Tracking in a Type-Safe DSM., , , и . JMLC, том 2789 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 49-58. Springer, (2003)Parallel ray-tracing with a transactional DSM., , , и . CCGRID, стр. 475-481. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Transactional Cluster Computing., , , и . HPCC, том 3726 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 465-476. Springer, (2005)Checkpointing and recovery in a transaction-based DSM operating system., , , и . Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, стр. 526-531. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2004)